Monday, February 12, 2024

art post #1

I'm such an attention-whore. I know I'm supposed to be in a break but I'm chronically online 😂

Basically, I made this when I was bored. MS paint sucks but I managed to do this!! (i used the copypaste tool for a base I made, which is inspired by an unused DDLC sprite for Natsuki)

These 18 characters are NOT in MCC. I made them in 2021 and I wanted to use them in November for a trilogy (pre-dating MCC), then I realized my true motives behind writing it (the trilogy is called Daniel's Knife) were hatred and spite (for reasons I don't wanna talk's personal). However, I'm still attached to these characters, even nearly 3 years later! I'm able to separate them from Daniel's Knife. Here are both drawings!

These are the originals from 2021!

These are the NEW redesigned fellas for 2024. They have a lot going on in the new version! I'm happy :-) I mentioned these characters in my old blog...which is private...

As for MCC, I'm still making progress. I'm a hobbyist, remember? The thing is, I have ALL ideas for ALL THREE BOOKS planned, yet writing them is...SO HARD!!! I'm not even done with THE FIRST!

Hopefully, I can get the spark back. So far, I'm still in the first book. Again, I have the ideas but it's difficult! Writing is hard!

Okay, enough of my mindless rambling 😅. Goodbye and take care!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

taking a break

 Sorry guys, but tomorrow will mark the end of my winter holidays. I will no longer be as active here.

I'm sorry, but it was fun! Goodbye...see ya in March. 2 weeks from now. But at the same time I need to focus on MCC and other stuff.

Bye bye!

     - Mike mood plz (SystemDeKilla)

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Mike Can't Communicate will get printed (hopefully in the intended release date), and you'll see the characters's names and what they say in unique colors! The main color will be slightly gray, but not TOO dark to make it easier on the eyes and create better contrast. Here they are!! The hex codes included!
Yeah, as you can see, I tested it using a white background. Unfortunately, it's MS Paint, so it's pretty limited. I used FireAlpaca to get the hex codes.
Enjoy! There will be a page like this for new readers and for anyone who hasn't seen this page.
Anyway, goodbye! And take care.


 hehehe xd I didn't name myself after Mike Mood from bendy and the ink machine. In fact, I didn't play it. I just named myself that because my trilogy's protagonist happens to be called "Mike".

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Characters in MCC! (made since january, only main 11)


Spoiler-free! EnjOy!


Full name: Michael "Mike" Leskowitz

Label: The Unlucky Boy

Age: 17

Birthday: March 5, 1986

Gender: Male

Category: Neutred (reason: NOT FROM ORCHARDS STREET AT BIRTH. head hurts)

Crush: Zoey

Personality: Loner

Favorite Things: Movies, hanging out with his friends, Zoey, getting lucky, his red sneakers.

Least Favorite Things: His alters- I mean, characters or...roommates ruining his life, The gang, Having bad luck, anyone touching his sneakers, clichés, Shakespeare.

Favorite Food: Peas.

Least Favorite Food: ANYTHING with salt.

Additional Information:

Very little is known about his past from before 1999 (if asked, he reflexively covers his mouth. he has nearly zero childhood memories), but he does remember being in an orphanage. He lives in a manor in Orchards street with his adoptive parents being on vacation for over a year. As we all know, Mike is totally normal. He's your everyday teenager...awkward, yes, very unlucky, YET TOTALLY NORMAL!! Don't get the wrong idea, BAKA! As for those five- I mean four other guys? Duh, these are characters he plays. He aspires to study 6 years in drama school.


Full name: Gary Fitzgerald

Label: The Sheltered Nerdy Boy

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: August 22, 1986

Category: Beta

Crush: None

Personality: Loner

Favorite Things: Studying, comic books, movies, hanging out with his friends, science, justice hammers.

Least Favorite Things: Chloe, his house, his mom being overprotective, True nightmares.

Favorite Food: Hot dogs.

Least Favorite Food: Soup.

Additional Information:

Was isolated in his house for over fifteen years. Only managed to go outside in 2001 and met Marybelle, one of Mike's alters- I mean, characters. After knowing the truth (that Marybelle was only a  c h a r a c t e r  and not a real person), Gary decided to date Chloe, who is a member of the gang. He currently treats her like she is his ex yet he didn't break up with her officially. (shhhh...don't tell anyone: Gary is aware of Mike's secret)


Full name: Zoe "Zoey" Murakami

Label: The Kind Alpha's Nemesis

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: May 1, 1987

Category: Beta

Crush: Mike

Personality: Social Butterfly (fiery redhead)

Favorite Things: Fashion, beauty, magazines, her friends, popularity, having rights, romance.

Least Favorite Things: Oppression, the gang, being manipulated, violence, people treating her friends badly.

Favorite Food: Mochi or ANTYHING with Strawberries.

Least Favorite Food: Broccoli.

Additional Information:

Her parents divorced when she was nearly one year old. Is currently living with her alcoholic mother, as well as her stepfather (and her stepfamily treats her like dirt). As a beta girl, she is usually forced to stand around looking pretty, or being a servant to the gang. Zoey started rebelling in early 2003, and that's how she met her crush. She is also Laura's best friend, but the latter is a bit demanding...Fun fact: Her hair is dyed and she wears purple contact lenses. Her natural hair color is black and her real eye color is hazel.


Full name: Myles Davis

Label: The Iron-Fisted Strongman

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Birthday: May 15, 1985

Category: Alpha

Crush: None

Personality: Violent

Favorite Things: Ruling Orchards street, Power, Violence, insulting his fellow gang friends, drinking, smoking, baseball bats, weightlifting.

Least Favorite Things: Losing power, not getting pocket money, risk of being unemployed, his friends, Mike.

Favorite Food: Chicken nuggets

Least Favorite Food: Worms/Mushrooms

Additional Information:

The current ruling alpha after overthrowing Tommy in early 2003. Is known for being the "king" of juvie from 1999 to 2001, at just 14 to 16 years old. He was there since 1996, due to his general delinquency and many offenses. People there had a hard time taming him, and his stay kept prolonging because he spent more time at juvie than at home. In the street, being the ruler of the gang, he treats his goons like dirt. Don't worry though, Myles is very fearsome to the point that his friends don't try to overthrow him, even though they also insult him.

Back in juvie, before 1999, there inmate that scared him more than the others. Everytime he tried to remember, his head started to hurt. And that scary inmate...might be lurking in Orchards street, but in a way you don't expect.


Full name: Charles "Chuck" Mark

Label: The Snobbish Smartass

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: September 4, 1986

Category: Alpha

Crush: ??????

Personality: Rude

Favorite Things: Studying, books, HIMSELF, calling people "dorks", Violence, proving his intelligence, winning, crying in exams.

Least Favorite Things: Being "second best", Things not going his way, getting insulted, the non-alphas, losing, his parents ignoring him.

Favorite Food: Spinach

Least Favorite Food: Literally almost everything.

Additional Information:

Myles's right-hand man, this boy is not what you'd expect a school bully to look like. Being a nerd and looking the part, he is an overly pretentious a-hole! Was sent to juvie because of bullying in 1998, when he was in middle school. The reason why Chuck always gets good marks is because he cries in exams, otherwise he doesn't care about studying. If he DOES respect education, it's for showing off. His parents treat him like he's invisible!


Full name: George DeSantos

Label: The Ticking Bomb in Sheep's Clothing

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: July 10, 1986

Category: Alpha

Crush: Chloe

Personality: Violent

Favorite Things: Power, Fire, Explosives, Dynamites, Hanging out with Chloe, Violence.

Least Favorite Things: Things not going his way, the non-alphas, school, literally most things.

Favorite Food: Spicy food

Least Favorite Food: Desserts

Additional Information:

The third in the hierarchy, known for his anger issues. George is...very aggressive, to say the least. When angered, he suffers from explosive outbursts that make the Hiroshima atomic bomb look very insignficant. And it happens at every slight provocation! The worst of all, he is aware of this problem and it got him sent to juvie. He HATES school to the point he wanted to bomb it and cause a school shooting. Anyway, he has a crush on Chloe, though she doesn't reciprocate his feelings. REALLY despises Mike for unknown reasons, which he stated as him "copying his style", despite the two being radically different.


Full name: Chloe MacKenzie

Label: The Toxic Dark Alpha Girl

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: October 11, 1987

Category: Alpha

Crush: Gary

Personality: Violent/Social Butterfly (yandere)

Favorite Things: Stalking Gary, Violence, Power, Dominance, Guns, Firearms, Attention/Public Reaction.

Least Favorite Things: Things not going her way, Being ignored, Someone else hanging out with Gary, the non-alphas, being unloved.

Favorite Food: Chili AND Hot Dogs

Least Favorite Food: Soup

Additional Information:

The flashiest resident in Orchards street, Chloe is THE mean popular girl. She is known for her distinct blonde hair that contrasts with her dark skin, and her icy blue eyes. However, she is one of the meanest! Chloe got sent to juvie around early 1999 due to property damage, and that made her never the same again. It shaped her into the attention whore she is today. You might see that she has a massive, one-sided crush on Gary, leading her to become what the japanese call a "yandere". As a result, she DESPISES anyone (other than her gang pals) who hangs out with him. She and George are known for their fiery tempers.


Full name: Robert "Robby" Phoenix

Label: The Misguided But Nice Advisor

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Birthday: February 2, 1985

Category: Alpha

Crush: None

Personality: Calm/Snitch

Favorite Things: The gang being friendly, Peace, Silence, Solitude, Champagne, Money, Card games.

Least Favorite Things: Violence, Petty fights, Immaturity, Weapons, Arguments, Being excluded.

Favorite Food: Coffee/Anything Starbucks

Least Favorite Food: Fast food

Additional Information:

He just wants to help! Robby is the only alpha to realize the error of the offense he committed (that got him sent to juvie, which was jaywalking), and as a result he tries to make his fellow gang friends calm down. He strives to make the street a better place, and really tries hard to keep it peaceful! Robert hates violence, leading him to fight until justice is served. However, despite his soft and friendly exterior, there IS a reason why he is the 5th in the hierarchy. Some say he has a hidden dark side...and it's not pretty.


Full name: Tomas "Tommy" Edwards

Label: The Alpha Veteran

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Birthday: January 12, 1985

Category: Neutred (for being former alpha, ruling to be precise)

Crush: ??????

Personality: Calm

Favorite Things: Peace, Escaping his past, other non-alphas, Solitude, Outdoors, Board games, Doing nothing.

Least Favorite Things: Juvie, Violence, Socializing, Money, the MODERN gang, his past, Having to do something.

Favorite Food: Blueberries

Least Favorite Food: Pears

Additional Information:

Known as Tomas the Terrible before his exile, Tommy was the ruling alpha from 2001 to early 2003. By the time Mike moved to Orchards street, this young man was the "king". In fact, he was known for his longevity, having ruled juvie from 1995 to 1997 (staying there due to committing many, many offenses and exhibiting general delinquency). It wasn't until he was overthrown that he was forced to grow up and give up his old delinquent methods. Currently, Tommy is an introverted young adult who tries to let the past die. He often acts as a father figure to the other non-alphas, since he fully knows the gang. Because of the "risk of being unemployed" issue, he stays away from committing crimes.


Full name: Laura "Laurie" Charondoff

Label: The Judgmental Demanding "BFF"

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: June 18, 1986

Category: Neutred (reason: not from orchards street)

Crush: Roy (from flowery street, not in main trilogy)

Personality: Evil

Favorite Things: Movies, Hanging out with Zoey, Manipulation, Insulting people, Boyfriends, Romance, Herself, Dates, Gossip.

Least Favorite Things: Zoey's boyfriends (Mike AND Zoey's exes), Boredom, People standing up to her, Socializing, The gang, a certain seventeen year old boy with a cyan T-shirt, blue jeans, and red sneakers.

Favorite Food: Mint Ice Cream

Least Favorite Food: Cauliflower

Additional Information:

Laura is a flashy, spicy blondie. Known for her pickiness and high standards, she loves making rules and having her friends abide by them, or a result, this makes her quite demanding and rude. Being a control freak, she often tries to split Mike and Zoey apart, due to manipulating the latter. Almost nobody knows of her toxic nature, but because Mike knows about it, the two frequently butt heads with each other. For that, and for another that the boy doesn't remember.


Full name: Scott Bloomberg

Label: The Perfectionistic Rich Boy

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: April 3, 1986

Category: Beta

Crush: None

Personality: Snitch/Loner

Favorite Things: Money, Castles, Chocolate fondue, Parties, Books, Solitude, Order.

Least Favorite Things: Getting mugged by the gang, Poor people, Drugs, Champagne, Gambling, Chaos.

Favorite Food: Shrimp

Least Favorite Food: Scrambled Eggs

Additional Information:

Coming from a very affluent family, Scott is frequently seen driving his parents's black Ferrari. He is teased for being "fat", and for giving in to the gang's threats when asking him for money. What he doesn't know is that they're using it for buying illegal things, like drugs...anyway, his parents spoiled him so much that he turned into a spoiled brat, even at 17! Scott is also recognized by his repetitive tics such as counting every single penny, nickel, and well as his love for reading novels.

planning (location, time, etc) in MCC

 Amount of characters: 11 (16)

About them: They're all teenagers aged 16-18. Some didn't even have their birthdays during these events (Zoey is actually 15 in the first two books, but I refer to her as a 16 year old because in 2003 she is 16, precision doesn't really matter here).

Location: Denver, Colorado (USA) (in Orchards street)

Time of Events: April-June 2003 (first two books in april, third book is set seven weeks after the end of the second)

I will do the "All About the Characters" later!

Mike Can't Communicate announcement

 Hi! My name is Mike mood plz, but I'll make this trilogy using the "SystemDeKilla" pseudonym. I'm Italian. I made the SystemDeKilla real name is Sara DiPiazza (which I barely use, even my facebook has a different name), but I go by "SystemDeKilla" ever since 2014. This trilogy will hopefully be written with love and care. I started writing it in January, and I might finish all three books in...summer, or fall 2024. I don't know, I kinda have an unpredictable schedule...depending on the circumstances.

It's called "Mike Can't Communicate", or "MCC" for short. A story about a teenage boy in very late puberty struggling from a hellish environment and an unfair destiny. Here is a poster that I designed in MS Paint (looks kinda crappy, I know): 

(inspired by James Bond)
Yeah, it's 17+! Not for small children or big babies! You may notice that the boy here is the same as the one in my profile picture...I know. But I made it intentional.
Email me here: I might make a FAQ sometime soon.


 I'm a nice girl.

July Update

 Hi, it's SystemDeKilla. Sorry for not finishing my trilogy on July 18th, I regret giving away the promise. Remember that "Mike Can...